To all Prospective Bidders:

This Supplemental / Bid Bulletin is issued to clarify, modify or amend items in the Bid Documents.

This shall form part of the Bid documents:




  • On the engaged CSS Research Team’s Scope of Work

Target Respondents of GCG-prescribed CSS Questionnaires

Visiting Trade Buyers[2] (may be foreign or domestic; invited or walk-ins) and all participating/exhibiting companies of 2019 CITEM Signature Events of the April and October Editions of Manila FAME, and IFEX Philippines in May.  

Details on general protocol for this component are enumerated in the Terms of Reference for the Engagement of a CSS Research Team for 2019 CITEM Signature Events and OTFs, IV. Research Team’s Scope of Work, Letter C. For CITEM Signature Events, Page 4.  


Target Respondents of CITEM’s Participant’s Evaluation Report (PER) Forms

All participating/exhibiting companies in CITEM-organized OTFs participations indicated in the List of Covered Projects for CSS Research in Page 5 of the Terms of Reference for the Engagement of a CSS Research Team for 2019 CITEM Signature Events and OTFs.  

Though CITEM Project Officers are the ones who conduct the PER Forms during OTFs, the data interpretation is undertaken by the engaged CSS Research Team. 

Details on general protocol for this component are enumerated in IV. Research Team’s Scope of Work Letter D. For CITEM Signature Events, Page 4 of the Terms of Reference.   


  • On inquiry whether exhibitors/participating companies and trade buyers are oriented about the conduct of the CSS

Companies participating in CITEM signature events (i.e. exhibitors) were briefed about the conduct of GCG-prescribed CSS Questionnaires during said events and were encouraged to support same by accommodating the survey. 

 Likewise, exhibitors of CITEM-organized overseas trade fair (OTF) participations are informed about the importance of accomplishing PER Forms, and such is included as one of their documentation submissions after the OTF. 

Trade Buyers, on the other hand, will be informed about the importance of participating in the GCG-prescribed CSS Questionnaire during their visit to the CITEM signature event.  This shall be done by the engaged CSS Research Team, part of their introductory spiel to prospective respondents.     


  • On inquiry whether there is distinction which type of trade buyer that needs to be surveyed

 If the business, line of work, or profession of a Trade Buyer Respondent[3] is aligned with the commercial transactions for featured product sectors or services in a CITEM Signature Event, regardless of his nationality, then he/she is considered a qualified respondent of the GCG-prescribed CSS Questionnaire for Trade Buyers.


  • On CSS Report Submissions

Engaged CSS Research Team should submit the indicated deliverables for CSS Reports on CITEM Signature Events and CITEM-organized OTF participations following Section V. on CSS Research Team’s Output: Specification of Deliverables in Page 4 of Terms of Reference for CITEM’s Engagement of a CSS Research Team for 2019 CITEM Signature Events and OTFs.


  • On the required number of Data Collectors for the conduct of GCG-prescribed CSS Questionnaires during CITEM signature events

The number of Data Collectors to be fielded for the above undertaking depends on the CSS Research Team’s personnel to be assigned for the Activity.

It should be noted that the composition of a CSS Research Team, which is identified in the copy of the Organizational Structure to be presented to the End-User, should not be replaced after the bid proposal has been accepted and evaluated, as this violates Art. 3, Section 33 of the Revised IRR for RA 9184.   


  • On provision of token incentives as a respectful compensation for CSS respondents

CITEM will provide NO tokens for CSS respondents, whether they are respondents of GCG-prescribed CSS Questionnaires during Signature Events, or of CITEM PER Forms during OTFs.     However, the Engaged CSS Research Team may choose to do so to enjoin participation in the CSS and secure the number of target respondents required in the conduct of CSS during CITEM Signature Events. 


  • On inquiry regarding bid evaluation procedure for the engagement of a CSS Research Team

 A Quality-Based Evaluation Procedure shall be used in the appraisal of submitted bids to CITEM. The Technical Working Group appointed by the CITEM-BAC shall assess the responsiveness of the submitted technical documents required for Qualitative Evaluation (minimum passing score is 80%), and the review of the Financial Bid (for lowest calculated bid).


Items not mentioned above remain the same.


This Supplemental/Bid Bulletin is being issued to clarify/modify/amend the specifications of the requirement needed, and not for purposes of delaying the proceedings of RA 9184.


Issued this 01st day of April 2019.

                                                                         ATTY. ANNA GRACE I. MARPURI (SGD.)

                                                                                            Chairman, Bids and Awards Committee

[1] FAQs on GCG-prescribed Standardized CSS can be viewed on

[2] A Trade Buyer refers to an individual in business (such as large department stores, chain stores, boutiques/independent stores), government agency, or association who makes strategic purchase decisions on services, raw materials, product components, or finished goods for delivery/supply to its product depot. Importers, distributors, wholesalers/retailers, and specifiers for contract market are all examples of a Trade Buyer. A Trade Buyer represents Mass-market Retail Companies, High-end/Luxury Market, Independent Retailers, Wholesale Companies Distributors, Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment (FFNE) Business Agencies for the hospitality industry (hotels, cruise liners, restaurants, and airports), Hotel/Resort Developers (of internationally recognized brand/chain or niche/boutique chains or economy brand hotels), and Commercial Real Estate Developers or Contractors.  Architects, Interior Designers and Specifiers, as well as Industry Association Heads, Owners and Top Sourcing Executives of specialty stores, independent retailers, wholesalers and the like are considered buyers for they canvass, recommend, and produce a specification for merchandise purchases.  Celebrities or influencers of media, industry or public opinion from said industries engaged with companies like those previously indicated are considered Buyers, as well.

[3] See A. Target Respondents of GCG-prescribed CSS Questionnaires in p.1.