Procurement: SUPPLEMENTAL / BID BULLETIN No. 2016-01 Hiring of Official Janitorial Services Provider for CITEM Office and Its Trade Fair Events/Projects for Multi-Year Contracts


Hiring of Official Janitorial Services Provider for CITEM Office and Its Trade Fair Events/Projects for Multi-Year Contracts


To all Prospective bidders:

This Supplemental / Bid Bulletin is issued to clarify, modify or amend items in the Bid Documents. This shall form part of the Bid documents:

  1. 1.The ABC indicated in the Bid Documents is good for the first year (2016) of the contract, which is from May to December 2016. For purposes of the bidding, bids must be based on the eight (8) month period. Contract amount, however, shall be based on the monthly rate awarded multiplied by the remaining months of this year from the time of issuance of Notice to Proceed.
  1. 2.There shall be no floor limit for the Agency Fee/Administrative Cost in the computation for the bid, following the Policy Opinions of the Government Procurement Policy Board (GPPB); provided that the bidder shall not go below the standard salaries and benefits in conformity with existing laws. Any prima facie evidence to the contrary during the contract implementation shall give the Procuring Entity the right to terminate the contract.
  1. 3.Certification of No Arrears as of 31 December 2015 issued by the central offices of the following concerned agencies: SSS, Pag-ibig, Philhealth. However, Certificate of No Arrears from the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) Certifiacation is no longer required.
  1. 4.The required number of working hours for the Detachment Commander shall be fourteen (14) hours.
  1. 5.The Bank Certificate that the bidder has existing ATM-based payroll remittance system shall be submitted as part of the Post Qualification Documents in Section 29.2.c.
  1. 6.The bidder may submit as evidence/proof of its on-going/completed contracts either of the following documents, provided that the contract amount and period of service can be established therein: a. Contract b. Receipts c. Notice of Award/Notice to Proceed.
  1. 7.The statement of all ongoing and completed government and private contracts shall include all such contracts within three (3) years prior to the deadline for the submission and receipt of bids.
  1. 8.The DOLE/NLRC Certificate of no pending case/no adverse decided case shall be dispensed with. The bidder, however, must submit certificate under oath of the existence or non-existence of pending case or adverse decided case and list/enumerate the same, if there is any.
  1. 9.The Certificate of Compliance (COC) on General Labor Standards and COC on Occupational Safety and Health Standard from the DOLE should be submitted in lieu of registration as Job Contractor.
  1. 10.The prospective bidders shall adopt the use of the amended Standard Format of Bid Securing Declaration as per GPPB Resolution No. 15-2014.

Items not mentioned above remains the same.

This Supplemental/Bid Bulletin is being issued to modify/amend the specifications of the requirement needed, and not for purposes of delaying the proceed­ings of RA 9184.

Issued this 15th day of April 2016.

                                                                     (Sgd.)    MARIA RITA O. MATUTE

                                                                                      Chairman, Bids and Awards Committee