Award Notice: Panel System for Media Lounge Backdrop and Storage System, satellite Secretariat and Graphics System for Manila FAME March 2014 Edition



TitleT     Title:                        Panel System for Media Lounge Backdrop and Storage System, satellite Secretariat and                                 Graphics System for Manila FAME March 2014 Edition


Approved Budget:       Php83,000.0                              

Contract Amount:        Php82,992.00

Date of Award:           3rd March 2014


Supplier Information

Awardee:                   CITYNENO PHILIPPINES, INC.

Address:                    8473 le West Service Road, Km. 14 Brgy. Sun

                                Valley, South Superhighway, Paranaque City                                                                          

Award Type:               Direct Contracting

Reason for Award:       Calculated and Responsive bid