Award Notice: Award Notice- 14-0444 Ingress And Egress Assistant Re Maison Et Objet Paris

NA- 14-0444


Title:                         Ingress and Egress Assistant in connection with

                                Maison&Objet in Paris France  

 Approved Budget:       EU 1,800.00

Contract Amount:        EU 1,800.00

Date of Award:           01 September  2014


Supplier Information

Awardee:                   PTIC Paris  

                                Ambassadre des Philippines – Service Commercial

                                  CNIT Center 2 (Bureau 440)-BP427

                                 2 Place de la Defense

                                92053 Paris La Defense France                                                    

Award Type:               Negotiated Procurement

Reason for Award:       Lowest Calculated and Responsive Bid