Award Notice: Award Notice- 14-0414 TRanslation Services Re: CAEXPO 2014

NA- 14-0414


Title:                       English-Chinese Translation Services for

                              CAEXPO 2014 Brochure/Directory

                                Approved Budget:      Php 120,000.00

                               Contract Amount:      US$2,170.00 or Php 97,650 exclusive of tax

                               Date of Award:         September 11, 2014


Supplier Information

                               Awardee:                   WANG YU

                              Address:                    66#1002 Yuan yang tian di, Ba li zhuang

                                                                   xi li, Chaoyang district, 100024, Beijing, China

                              Award Type:               NP- Small Value Procurement  

                              Reason for Award:       Lowest calculated & responsive bid