Award Notice: Award Notice- 14-0365 Hiring Of Nine (9) Mandarin Interpreters Re CAEXPO 2014

NA- 14-0365


Title:                         Hiring of Nine (9) Mandarin Interpreters for

                                   Business Negotiation re CAEXPO 2014

                Approved Budget:       Php  230,080.00

                Contract Amount:        Php 227,840.00 or RMB32,000.00

               Date of Award:           04 September 2014


Supplier Information

             Awardee:                   GUANXI GLORIOUS TRANSLATION CO.

            Address:                    7F. Guangxi DB Bldg. Minzugucheng Road,

                                                 Nanning, Guangxi, China

           Award Type:               Negotiated Procurement

          Reason for Award:       Lowest calculated and responsive bid