Philippines to promote Healthcare Information Management Services in US
By Joshua Fidel A. Feria | March 05, 2025
A healthcare roadshow that highlights the Philippines’ advanced capabilities in Information Technology-Business Process Management (IT-BPM) and its favorable business environment is set to take place in Las Vegas, Nevada on March 3 and 7, 2025.
Organized by the Healthcare Information Management Association of the Philippines (HIMAP), which champions the country’s Healthcare Information Management Services (HIMS) industry overseas, the roadshow will bring together Philippine government officials and leaders of top HIMS companies servicing global firms to meet with potential partners and clients in the US.
The Department of Trade and Industry-Export Marketing Bureau (DTI-EMB), Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA), Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) and the Center for International Trade Expositions and Missions (CITEM) are the government agencies supporting HIMAP in the upcoming event.
Central to the program is the March 3 Business Forum, which will feature the following presentations: The Philippine Economic Update and Advantages by Bianca Pearl Sykimte, Director of the DTI-EMB; The Philippine Infrastructure Advantage by Jhino Ilano, Director of DICT; and The Philippine Investment and Incentive Advantage by Andielle Joy Alguso, Group Manager of PEZA’s Management Information Systems and Corporate Planning Group. In the same forum, John Dave Dueñas, Executive Director and member of the Board of Trustees of HIMAP, will spotlight HIMS offshoring opportunities in the Philippines.
The business sector will be represented by HIMS companies including ADEC Innovations, Inspiro, iReply Back Office Services, Inc., JBW Managed Services and Consulting, Office Symmetry Solutions, Pointwest Innovations Corporation, RCM Staff, Visaya KPO, and WorldSource.
Local government officials from Bacolod will round out the delegation to market the city's IT-BPM competency and other unique advantages for HIMS companies.
The roadshow will run under the banner Make It Happen in the Philippines, the country's international investments promotion campaign.
Delegates will visit relevant IT and HIMS companies to receive updates on technology and business direction and meet with prospective clients.
Government agencies back HIMAP for HIMSS 2025

In a related effort, DTI-EMB, DICT, PEZA and CITEM will contribute to HIMAP’s participation at the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS 2025) Global Annual Conference and Exhibition at The Venetian Convention and Expo Center in Las Vegas, Nevada on March 3-6, 2025.
The event will also mark CITEM’s first time supporting the country’s top healthcare players at the conference.
As one of the largest events in healthcare information and technology, HIMSS 2025 will gather 40,000 industry professionals from across the globe to exchange perspectives on industry advancements, such as artificial intelligence and smart health solutions.
Philippine delegates will seek to gain a foothold in the US market, promoting the country’s expertise in healthcare information management services, information technology-business process management (IT-BPM) services, and digital healthcare solutions.
For more information on HIMSS 2025, visit himssconference.com.